Congratulations on taking the first step to having the relationship your heart truly desires; a relationship with a true heartfelt connection and a deep soul satisfying love, not just with your partner, but with yourself as well. You see, we understand that if you cannot love yourself fully, then it is nearly impossible to love another fully, and that is where our relationship coaching differs from many others. We delve deep into the core of your pain and help you heal the parts of you that are bringing strain into your relationships so that you never have to ask the question; "Why is this happening to me again?" 

Relationships are designed to give you the happiest, most enriching experiences in life; and they are also designed to help you grow. Unfortunately however, with the frenetic pace of current life, this essential growth can sometimes take a backseat to the seemingly more important areas of our lives, namely work, and if you have children, parenting.

With our Relationship Revivalist Coaching you'll have access to tried and true strategies that you can implement immediately to infuse explosive love into your relationship. Our coaching sessions are completely confidential and are conducted either over the phone or face-to-face via video using Skype and below you will find our hourly rates, bulk rates and group rates. 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us via email at:

We look forward to connecting with you soon.

With love,

Jon & Jess

~ The Relationship Revivalists  

Hourly Coaching

If you feel that you only need a few quick 1-on-1 coaching calls to get clarity on certain issues, then hourly coaching is the way to go. 

Schedule Your 1-on-1 Call Now ($150/hr)

6 Week Coaching Package

If you feel that you would prefer to spend a longer time working through certain relationship issues and you feel that you need more than a few calls, then our discounted 6 Week Coaching Package is for you, and is also the most popular choice for our clients.

Schedule Your 6 Week Coaching Package Now
(6 x 1 hour calls for $597)
6 week coaching package

Group Package (3-10 people)

Sometimes our clients feel more comfortable working in groups and each month we offer a group coaching session where clients share their mutual challenges which allow the participants to gain greater insights into the shared challenges that many relationships experience.

Group Coaching package